
A child of the dark, I embrace the night,
Shrugging off memories, welcoming a broken smile.
A monster and God within me engage in a fight,
A smouldering cigarette, metaphorical of my own soul alight.

My headphone sings soothingly
Calling myself to confront me.
A novel forever half-read,
With misunderstood characters wailing to be set free.

Sleep is a distant dream, teasing and eluding,
The darkness, an old friend, offering yet another chance to wipe my slate clean.

Occasionally, the music flashes an image in my head,
A smile, a cry, so many past selves to be fed.
Alone, but not lonely, the mask falls off,
Come, meet me where my soul stands naked.

3 a.m. is when the world is at peace,
Some sleeping, some searching, all of them in a battle, but for now, at ease.
Come meet me in my castle and we’ll have a talk,
A poet, a fighter, a survivor, all for some company on your lonely walk.

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